Top 12 Brands to get inspired for your Product Photography
In this digital age, online selling is ruling our lives, from our essentials to aspirational shopping, we rely mostly on online product listings to make our buying decisions. In the kingdom of online selling, product image is the king. Statistics seem to corroborate this new world order as well:

Studies state that 43% of consumers are influenced to buy after seeing pictures on Instagram. 64% of women get influenced by images when shopping for apparel on mobile. 67% of users believe product images are more important when making a purchasing decision. An average person spends more time viewing product images and reads only 20% of content on the website.
So, if the product image is truly King, what can we do as online sellers to ensure we are on top of our game? Well, a few things that need to be kept in mind when present your brand images are:
- How well can you invoke emotion in your audience?
- How much visual content do you put out?
- Are you leveraging all available presentation formats?
- What do you do to tell all?

Let’s look at how some brands address these visual requirements. Here are our top 12 brands for their use of powerful product photography to create images that sell:
Not just tell a story, but make them feel it too with your Product Photography

Targeting your audience through personalized storytelling works every time. Whether you are in the luxury segment or primarily a Digital-first brand, the visual stories you create online invoke emotions in your prospective customers. They desire to buy your product or perhaps feel they can’t do without it.
So how do you tell your story? Well, through product images of course! Stunning images presented contextually in a lifestyle setting always draw eyeballs. Check out these stunning images by Mercedes-Benz, Gopro, and Lacausa. While each of these products is very different from the other and has varying target segments, what all of them have successfully managed to do is convey the emotions the buyer will have when they invest in these products. These products all make us feel “classy” “bold” “adventurous” all at once, who is not tempted to buy?
How many is too many with eCommerce images?
Numbers are important, not just in life but in product photography too. Display a ton of pictures shot from various angles, including shots of layers, textures, and other features. It’s all in the deets, so display them as much as possible.
Let the images talk to the customers. Don’t let them guess. Go wild with the details. With the right amount of images, all the doubts and confusion customers have regarding the product will be Poof! Remember, these images are the bridge to connect with your customers.
Cover all parts of the product- shoot the front, back, sideways, diagonal, bottom, top, interior, and minor details of the product. The more the merrier. Rocky Mountain Soap Co – a natural body care retailer displays 6 product images per product as well as videos to go with. Fashion brands like Adidas and Mango feature as many as 4 to 16 images.
Emily Rowe, Chief Executive at Social Sensei, a product photography expert believes, “The more product shots the better! In a perfect world, the accurate number of product shots is the number of photos required to show all the details of the product…. When you shoot you want to think, if I’m a customer who’s never seen this product and I purchase it, what features, if not showcased, may prompt me to return it? You want customers to know exactly what they’re ordering and feel excited that the product is exactly as described.”
Put it out there in every Format Possible
Studies state that only 28% of brands experiment with video when it comes to product photography. While videos might not be the preferred format, brands are going all-in with 360-degree-views that showcase all the angles and sides of the product exclusively. Brands like Heal’s, Fitbit, and Gap are owning the 360- degree Product Photography space. Go full circle with the product. Give the users the freedom to play around with different angles of the product. This helps in resolving conflicts regarding the look and feel of the product.
Want to appeal to your customers? Display a 3D perspective of your product in the form of pictures or video. Not only does it give a complete view of the product from different angles but also helps the brand stand out from the competition. This means yes to more selling and fewer returns
Variety is the Spice of Life and Product Photography

Imagine you visit an eCommerce store to buy a sweatshirt. It has multiple color options, and you want to go for your favorite turquoise blue variant, but wait, there are no images available for that particular color. How would you feel? Disappointment would be an understatement.
Displaying the images of different variants available for a particular product is a must. How else will the customers know which one to opt for? What is the size of the product? What about other attributes like texture, fabric, thickness, and length? Take the customer on a journey to explore different variants of the product and make it a highly personalized shopping experience. Brands like Luxy Hair, Made, Pilgrimcollection make it a point to display multiple variations of the product. Remember people love options; give them what they want, lay it all out in front of them.
These are just some of the many brands standing out from their competition because of their visual content. Your brand can achieve this too with stunning Product Photography to woo your customers. Additionally, having a white/neutral background, having symmetrical images across the website, include the zoom-in feature for eCommerce images, use models for products related to clothing and fashion. Make your buyers envision your products, stimulate their imagination. Let browsing turn into buying. Get in touch with us and together, let’s propel your business to newer heights, What are you waiting for? Get your camera rolling!